Rural development program:

Being part of the bracket of the developing nation, a significant population of Pakistan resides in the rural area, which often time do not see the hand of development. Hence, QAF has been committed in rural infrastructural development tailored at making lives more comfortable and at the same time enhancing the agricultural sector which is the major economic backbone of the rural area. Our contribution to the rural agrarian economy is manifested through developing alliances with different firms for the provision of agricultural seeds and machinery at very subsidized rates.

Quick Action foundation aims at the development of the rural sector.

Our aim is to bring the under privileged at a parity with the ones who can afford it.

We are in process of developing alliances with different firms for the provision of agricultural seeds and machinery at very subsidized .

Our Mission

Quick Action Foundation is committed to responding to disaster with adequate and result oriented measures.

Quick Action Foundation is dedicated to improving the quality of life through a balance between technology and nature. Quick Action Foundation is determined to facilitate the vulnerable through self-involving and task oriented project which will make them regain their self esteem and financial stamina

“As we move towards our goal of rebuilding, rehabilitating and making the needy become self reliant, we will not only offer emergence facility to victims of disasters but will actively participate in ensuing the sustainability of the facility. Our field workers will service our existing projects and incorporate the needy community to create send of belonging and owing which necessary for the sustainability of projects.”