Child labor eradication program:

Child labor continues to exist throughout the world. Children work because their survival and that of their families depend on it, and in some cases, because unscrupulous adults take advantage of their vulnerability. Child labor is also due to weaknesses in education systems and is deeply rooted in cultural and social attitudes and traditions.

Quick Action Foundation has taken keen interest in the reduction if not eradication of child labor. This we have been doing in partnership with other likeminded organizations working in similar sphere all over the provinces of Pakistan.

Our Mission

Quick Action Foundation is committed to responding to disaster with adequate and result oriented measures.

Quick Action Foundation is dedicated to improving the quality of life through a balance between technology and nature. Quick Action Foundation is determined to facilitate the vulnerable through self-involving and task oriented project which will make them regain their self esteem and financial stamina

“As we move towards our goal of rebuilding, rehabilitating and making the needy become self reliant, we will not only offer emergence facility to victims of disasters but will actively participate in ensuing the sustainability of the facility. Our field workers will service our existing projects and incorporate the needy community to create send of belonging and owing which necessary for the sustainability of projects.”